Onion is Latin for large pearl.
Fresh fruit is a better snack than dried fruit.
A tablespoon of soy sauce can contain
up to 1,000 mg of sodium.
Fresh fruit, vegetables, and unsalted nuts
are practically sodium-free.
About 75% of the fat in an avocado is monounsaturated.
The stickers on apples can be eaten, too.
The term “superfood” is a misnomer.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand;
a single banana is a finger.
Pumpkins are actually a fruit not a vegetable.
Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free.
It is recommended that adults eat
less than 1,600 mg of sodium a day.

About the Nutrition Society of New Zealand

The Nutrition Society of New Zealand is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the support and advancement of nutrition as a scientific field.

The Nutrition Society provides a platform for collaboration and cohesion among those working and studying in the animal, plant and human nutrition. Our members include people working within hospitals, schools, universities, industry and government. Many of our members are registered Nutritionists but also include dietitians and health educators, clinicians and health professionals, food technologists and food scientists, vets and animal scientists, academics, teachers and students.

We have established a trusted structure for the registration of Nutritionists to ensure credibility of the profession within New Zealand. Through our annual scientific meetings we provide an occasion for members to share research and results, to network and for professional training.

The aims of the Society are:

  • To promote sound, ethical, safe and effective research in nutritional sciences
  • To develop sound practice in nutrition for public good
  • To effectively communicate the benefits of good nutrition
  • To provide foster discussion and exchange information on nutrition related subjects and provide a forum for discussion.
  • To promote professional development of members

We encourage membership from those interested in human and animal nutrition and have discounted membership fees for students.

Council Members


Professor Rachel Brown

Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago

Welcome to the Nutrition Society of New Zealand. The science of nutrition has always had an important role in New Zealand. Dr Muriel Bell (1898-1974) was one of New Zealand’s first nutritional scientists; she had a particular interest in iodine, fluoride and selenium, trace elements that are low in New Zealand soils.

Dr Bell was elected as an Honorary Member of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand at it’s first Annual General Meeting in 1966. Since that time, the society has grown and diversified and currently we have 550+ members. A highlight of being a member of the Society is attendance at our annual conference, with it’s focus on high calibre research conducted by scientists, academics, and many outstanding postgraduate students.


Dr Christine Butts

Plant and Food Research NZ

Cherise Pendergrast

Registered Nutritionist

Dr Claire Smith

Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago
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Kirsten Webster

Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago

Dr Shabnam Jalili–Moghaddam

Council Member

Cath Conlon

Vice President and Council Member
The School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, Massey University

Luke Stanaway

Council Member
Registered Nutritionist

Sheena Hendon

Council Member
Registered Nutritionist

Dr Ali Hill

Council Member
Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago

Jen Gale

Student Representative
PhD Candidate, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago