Pumpkins are actually a fruit not a vegetable.
Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand;
a single banana is a finger.
Onion is Latin for large pearl.
Fresh fruit is a better snack than dried fruit.
The term “superfood” is a misnomer.
The stickers on apples can be eaten, too.
About 75% of the fat in an avocado is monounsaturated.
A tablespoon of soy sauce can contain
up to 1,000 mg of sodium.
It is recommended that adults eat
less than 1,600 mg of sodium a day.
Fresh fruit, vegetables, and unsalted nuts
are practically sodium-free.

Nutrition Society Meeting 2018: Call for Abstracts

The Nutrition Society of New Zealand invites authors to submit abstracts for presentations for the 2018 Conference – “Finding the balance - Te rapu i te pauna”

Abstracts are welcome in any area of nutrition, including those that incorporate the conference themes of childhood obesity, sustainability, using technology, nutrition education and nutrition for sports performance.

Abstract Submission

The organisers strongly encourage participants to present their work at the meetings. Abstracts are invited for oral presentations or poster presentations. If you submit an abstract for consideration by the committee and it is accepted for presentation, you must register to attend the conference.

When submitting you should indicate:

  • whether you are a student
  • whether you want your work considered for poster or oral presentation

Abstract Instructions

Head the abstract with the title; authors; and affiliations.

Each of these should be on a separate line. No abstract should exceed 300 words.

Abstracts should contain a statement of the problem, methods, clear results and conclusion or significance of the findings.

Abstracts will be reviewed and may be returned to the authors for clarification/modification if they do not meet the specified format as detailed in the below documents.

Please use the below template format and example to guide your submission:

To submit you should email your abstract directly to the meeting organisers (see below). Friday 21st September 2018 is the last day for abstract submission.

Meeting Organisers

Scientific Committee

  • Dr Claire Badenhorst, Massey University
  • Dr Kathryn Beck, Massey University
  • Dr Kathryn Bradbury, University of Auckland
  • Dr Carolyn Cairncross, Auckland University of Technology
  • Dr Helen Eyles, University of Auckland
  • Dr Sarah Gerritsen, University of Auckland
  • Prof Marlena Kruger, Massey University
  • Dr Bobbi Laing, University of Auckland
  • Dr Carolyn Lister, Plant and Food Research
  • Dr Sally Mackay, University of Auckland
  • Dr Suman Mishra, Plant and Food Research
  • Dr Meredith Peddie, University of Otago
  • Dr Kay Rutherfurd, Massey University
  • Joanne Todd, University of Auckland
  • Assoc Prof Jennifer Utter, University of Auckland
  • Dr Leanne Young, University of Auckland