Pumpkins are actually a fruit not a vegetable.
Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand;
a single banana is a finger.
Onion is Latin for large pearl.
Fresh fruit is a better snack than dried fruit.
The term “superfood” is a misnomer.
The stickers on apples can be eaten, too.
About 75% of the fat in an avocado is monounsaturated.
A tablespoon of soy sauce can contain
up to 1,000 mg of sodium.
It is recommended that adults eat
less than 1,600 mg of sodium a day.
Fresh fruit, vegetables, and unsalted nuts
are practically sodium-free.

The Nutrition Society would love for you to join us at the following events as part of conference.

Welcome Function: Wednesday 28th November, 6:30pm. This is included in your registration fee.

Conference Dinner: Thursday 29th November, 7pm-10pm at McHughs of Cheltenham, Devonport. $100 and includes all transport, entertainment, food and drinks.

Conference Dinner Theme: Bollywood
